Noticanarias – Marius Hoppe “Nuevo Rey del Aire de Canarias “
I participaded at the Gran Canaria Kiteboarding Air Battle 2018 and got in first place. The noticanarias wrote a great article about it. Check it out.
Everything started on the 10.02.2017. I have been 7 days in Germany. In the morning i wanted to take a hot shower after my alarm started going off (i hate my alarm especially, if it rings at 7 o clock). We left the window open the entire night and since it was snowing outside, it […]
Vor 7 Jahren trug es mich vom Land aufs Wasser und vom Wasser in die Luft, von Deutschland nach Teneriffa und vom Rasenmähen auf dem Golfplatz zum Kitesurfen. So schnell kann sich alles ändern.
7 years ago it took me from land to the see and from there the wind blew me into the air. I moved from germany to tenerife and my job changed from mowing golf courses to surfing with a bar in my hands. Everything can change in an instant.
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Noticanarias – Marius Hoppe “Nuevo Rey del Aire de Canarias “