
22 Juni

Noticanarias – Marius Hoppe “Nuevo Rey del Aire de Canarias “

I participaded at the Gran Canaria Kiteboarding Air Battle 2018 and got in first place. The noticanarias wrote a great article about it. Check it out.

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25 März

GKA Kiteboarding World Tour 2018

Kiteboarding Air Games Go Big: Leucate/France: 17.04. – 22.04. / (confirmed), Tarifa/Spain: 27.6 – 01.7 / (tbc), Cabarete/Dom. Rep.: 09.7. – 15.7. / (confirmed), Fehmarn/Germany: 24.8. – 2.9. / (tbc), Ireland: 26.9. – 30.9./(tbc), Preà (Cearà)/Brazil: 19.11. – 24.11. / (tbc)

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27 Okt.

Red Bull Megaloop Challenge

It was great being part of this years Red Bull Megaloop Challenge in the Netherlands! It was an amazing experience and really powerful wind! Looking forward for the next tournaments that are coming up!

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17 März

The “50 Knots” video is finally done

After a lot of time and effort my crew finally finished the 50 knots video! So excited i get too share it with you guys! Stay tuned for more!

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01 März

Short Story – My crazy weekend

Everything started on the 10.02.2017. I have been 7 days in Germany. In the morning i wanted to take a hot shower after my alarm started going off (i hate my alarm especially, if it rings at 7 o clock). We left the window open the entire night and since it was snowing outside, it […]

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28 Feb.

Advertisement “Lomamatkat — Good Morning”

A short ad i did for Lomamatkat called “Good Morning”

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28 Feb.

“Drachen-König” – Welt am Sonntag

Melanie Haack wrote an article about me and published it in “Welt am Sonntag”, a german news paper.

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28 Feb.

“Dieser Krefelder ist der Shootingstar der Kite-Szene” – Welt am Sonntag

Melanie Haack wrote an article about me and published it in “Welt am Sonntag”, a german news paper.

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28 Feb.

“Mit diesen Sprüngen will Kitesurfer Marius Hoppe Welter werden” – Stern TV “Mit diesen Sprüngen will Kitesurfer Marius Hoppe Welter werden” – Stern TV I went to an german television show Stern TV and they wrote an article about me.

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Vor 7 Jahren trug es mich vom Land aufs Wasser und vom Wasser in die Luft, von Deutschland nach Teneriffa und vom Rasenmähen auf dem Golfplatz zum Kitesurfen. So schnell kann sich alles ändern.

7 years ago it took me from land to the see and from there the wind blew me into the air. I moved from germany to tenerife and my job changed from mowing golf courses to surfing with a bar in my hands. Everything can change in an instant.
