22 Juni

Noticanarias – Marius Hoppe “Nuevo Rey del Aire de Canarias “

I participaded at the Gran Canaria Kiteboarding Air Battle 2018 and got in first place. The noticanarias wrote a great article about it. Check it out. www.noticanarias.com/marius-hoppe-nuevo-rey-del-aire-de-canarias/

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28 Feb.

“Drachen-König” – Welt am Sonntag

Melanie Haack wrote an article about me and published it in “Welt am Sonntag”, a german news paper.

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28 Feb.

“Dieser Krefelder ist der Shootingstar der Kite-Szene” – Welt am Sonntag

Melanie Haack wrote an article about me and published it in “Welt am Sonntag”, a german news paper.

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28 Feb.

“Mit diesen Sprüngen will Kitesurfer Marius Hoppe Welter werden” – Stern TV

http://www.stern.de/tv/mit-diesen-spruengen-will-kitesurfer-marius-hoppe-weltmeister-werden-6863620.html “Mit diesen Sprüngen will Kitesurfer Marius Hoppe Welter werden” – Stern TV I went to an german television show Stern TV and they wrote an article about me.

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